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Mike’s Recovery Story – You can do it!

Mikey Rod’s Story of Recovery

You can do it!

My name is Mikey Rod and I work in a transitional house called Foundations to Freedom this is my story of recovery, self-improvement, and love.

From very early on you can say that my life has been filled with chaos, trauma, and depression. I have to associate with it. I grew up in a household filled with generational curses. Very early on I was exposed to drugs and addiction. I can still remember the pain that I would feel when every present I ever had as a kid was taken and sold for drugs.

I had no father figure, and two of my uncles when I was 13 overdosed in my house the same week. Shortly after that, my grandma passed away. I was lost, hurting, and confused. Because of the pain, I began to shut down and abuse my body. I dedicated my life to the streets and for a little while, I thought I was good at it! The pain wouldn’t go away. Thinking I could numb it, I began to play with drugs. FEED ME SEYMOUR!! This is what I would say, as I smoked, and I smoked until I almost threw my life away. My perspective on life was through the eyes of suffering. My vision wasn’t to clear, and after almost dying from a PCP drug overdose, my road to recovery began. Someone once told me, “Every decision in your life, you are going to have to live with it!!” That truly sticks with me. After laying in that hospital bed recovering from an overdose, I decided to love myself. No more using pain as an excuse. It was time to fight! Before I would fight for all the wrong reasons, but this fight is the biggest fight, because in this fight it’s for my life!! To overcome adversity, there must be faith.

My faith comes from my lord, my savior Christ Jesus! But also, you must have faith in yourself. You have to truly want and believe you can do it. I have elders, some people have sponsors and when you are in a program or dealing with self-improvement you need a system or program that will hold you accountable. You need this because we are creatures of habit. Things will be hard, but you can do it!! Every day I work on self-improvement, and I have come a long way. I am on my way to a college degree, and I just completed my first book. Anything is possible through faith!

I pray my words may be useful, and anyone who is in a battle may surrender it all, their pride, their ego, their insecurities, and that they may forgive so that they can feel love.

You can do it!!! My life is now dedicated to helping others get to that point.

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