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providing a safe, structured, and supportive halfway house that promotes long-term recovery.

Living Sober Shows a Great Deal of Bravery

On your way to sober living, it is good to be aware of the necessary changes that need to be made in order to be successful in sobriety. As you are looking to make changes to better your life, re-build relationships and gain success, remember living sober shows a great deal of bravery. Here are some recovery tips for sober living so you can successfully lead your best life.

Be Honest with Yourself and others

Just because you are living sober does not mean that there will be no problems. Be realistic about your expectations for your new life. Accept that sober life may not be perfect and that is ok. Ask for help or guidance when needed and communicate your feelings. Be good to yourself and allow yourself to make every effort as you learn and grow. Honesty is essential to recovery so don’t be afraid to share your thoughts and feelings.

Focus on Your Goals

Decide what is important to you and concentrate on that. Challenge yourself to living sober and make attainable goals for your future. Look forward and put your effort into your future, not your past. It’s good to set realistic goals, one every 90 days. Write it down and commit to the goal you choose no matter how minor it is.

Build a Support Team

It is very crucial at this time in your life to develop relationships and connections with people who will care and support you. These relationships that you create, and nurture will help you on your road to recovery. Family connections, friendships, and support groups are an important part of recovery. Make friends who are on your same journey, it is essential to have like minded people on your team.

Know Your Triggers

Avoid putting yourself in situations that may tempt you, and always keep your goals at the forefront of your mind. Be aware of your triggers and what it takes to resist them. Take time out to identify your triggers and have a plan in place to prepare for a weak moment. Write down positive reasons you want to be living sober and why your recovery and sobriety is important to you. When you are being triggered, remember honesty is critical to recovery, pick up the phone and call someone who can support you.

You Are Not Alone- Living Sober is Tough- We Can Help

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