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William's Story - Foundation To Freedom

Transformation through FTF: William’s Story

From Life Behind Bars to a New Beginning: A Journey of Hope and Recovery with Foundations to Freedom

Hi, my name is William Doran, and I am in recovery. I have been through hell for the last 45 years. I’ve been to prison 7 times and had 50 misdemeanors and over 40 felonies. I always thought my life was over many times and that I would die in prison. I lived in a tent for eight years until January of 2022, when I was arrested again for grand theft and sentenced to Flagler County Jail, a/k/a “The Green Roof Inn .”During my incarceration there, I was asked if I wanted to go to C Program Block.

I agreed, and when I got there, they said, “Welcome to the Smart Program” They explained that this program would give me the tools I would need not to use drugs, be successful, and have a better way of life. Honestly, at this point, I was willing to try anything. While in this program, we received a visit from Katherine Russell, the Executive Director and Founder of Foundations To Freedom, a sober living located in DeLand, FL. During Mrs. Russell’s visit, she made us all aware that she had a place for anyone who wanted to stay clean and build a new way of living.

Upon my completion of the Smart Program and release from jail, I asked to be given a chance to start my life again without drugs, and this is where Foundation To Freedom stepped in. Foundations to Freedom graciously brought me in with the tools I learned but with no real hands-on experience. Beyond my expectation, I stepped into a whole new life with the help of Foundations To Freedom. Foundations helped me find out who I am, a recovering addict who will be successful by working the program daily.

During my stay with Foundations, I completed personal goals such as completing my C.R.P.S certification and obtaining my driver’s license. Maybe one of the most valuable, I learned to be humble. After completing the program and graduating, I was offered a job with Foundations To Freedom. I started to cry… my dreams were all coming true. Today, I owe the way I live my life and recovery to Foundations To Freedom. Thank you for reading my story. I hope my story will help someone else find the courage and strength to take that first step into true self-love and recovery.

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